How to Use HLOOKUP Formula in Excel (Self-explanatory Guide)
As a highly effective and adaptable function in Excel, the HLOOKUP function is an essential tool for many users. It streamlines data retrieval, allowing you to easily locate and extract the information you need from your Excel spreadsheets. In this article, we'll delve into the HLOOKUP function, discussing its purpose, syntax, appropriate use cases, and how to incorporate it into your Excel workbook.
What is the HLOOKUP function in Excel used for?
The HLOOKUP (Horizontal Lookup) function in Excel is designed to search for a specific data point within a horizontal row and return a value from a different row corresponding to that data point.
For example: If you have a list of sales representatives in a row and their respective sales figures for each quarter of a year under salespersons’ names, the HLOOKUP formula in Excel can help you quickly find the sales figure for a specific representative during Q2.
Understanding the HLOOKUP formula syntax in Excel
The HLOOKUP formula consists of four arguments:
- lookup_value: The value you want to search for in the first row of the table_array.
- table_array: The range of cells comprising your data table in Excel, including the row containing the lookup_value and the row containing the data you want to retrieve. This is also commonly referred to as the lookup array.
- row_index_num: The row number in the table_array where the data you want to retrieve is located. The first row of the table_array has a row_index_num of 1, the second row has a row_index_num of 2, and so on.
- [range_lookup]: An optional argument that indicates whether you want an exact match (FALSE) or an approximate match (TRUE) for the lookup_value. If omitted, it defaults to TRUE.
When is it appropriate to use the HLOOKUP function in Excel?
The HLOOKUP formula is particularly useful in the following scenarios:
- Retrieving information from extensive datasets: The HLOOKUP formula in excel allows you to swiftly locate and extract specific data points within large datasets in Excel workbooks, saving both time and effort.
- Merging data from diverse sources: If you need to combine data from various Excel tables or sheets based on a shared identifier, the HLOOKUP formula can be an effective solution.
- Analyzing lists: The HLOOKUP function in Excel can assist you in detecting discrepancies between two lists, such as comparing prices or identifying missing data.
Steps to inserting the HLOOKUP formula in Excel
To incorporate the HLOOKUP formula in your Excel workbook, follow these guidelines:
Step 1: Choose the cell where you intend to use the HLOOKUP formula and display the result.
Step 2: Type “=HLOOKUP” and select the HLOOKUP formula prompt that appears.
Step 3: When the formula syntax “=HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num, [range_lookup])” is displayed, substitute the arguments with your specific values as follows:
- Replace ‘lookup_value’ with the value or cell reference you wish to search for.
For example: Consider that you have a table containing Profit and Loss statement items for the year 2022 but you want to create a dashboard showing only Total Income, Total Cost of Goods Sold and Gross Profit for Q2 2022 on a different spreadsheet in the same file. In such a case, the HLOOKUP function can be used to quickly arrive at the required dashboard in Excel as below.

- Replace ‘table_array’ with the range of cells that constitute your data table. Ensure the ‘lookup_value’ is always in the first row of your selected data table.

- Replace ‘row_index_num’ with the row number containing the data corresponding to the ‘lookup_value’ you want to retrieve.

- Replace ‘[range_lookup]’ with either TRUE (approximate match) or FALSE (exact match) based on your requirements, or omit it to default to TRUE.

Step 4: Press the “Enter” key to complete the formula, and Excel will display the result.

Note 1: The HLOOKUP formula in Excel can be used to pull data across different Excel worksheets and workbooks.
Note 2: If the lookup_value is not present in the first row of the table_array, Excel will display the result as “#N/A”.
What are the limitations of the HLOOKUP formula in Excel?
- Limited to Horizontal Orientation: As the name suggests, HLOOKUP, short for "Horizontal Lookup", is designed to search for data horizontally, within rows. It cannot be used to search for data vertically, within columns. This can be limiting if your data is arranged in a vertical format. To work around this, consider using the VLOOKUP formula in Excel, which is designed to search for data vertically, within columns.
- Inability to Handle Row Insertions: HLOOKUP relies on a static row index to return the desired data. If a row is inserted or deleted within the table or range, the HLOOKUP formula may return incorrect results, as the row index might change. To avoid this issue, consider using the INDEX and MATCH functions together, which can dynamically adjust to changes in the row or column structure.
What are the alternatives of the HLOOKUP function in Excel?
- VLOOKUP Function: If your data is organized vertically in columns instead of rows, you can use the VLOOKUP function in excel, which is similar to HLOOKUP but works on columns instead of rows. The VLOOKUP function can help you find and retrieve data from a specific column within a table or range.
Learn How to Use VLOOKUP Formula in Excel (Comprehensive Guide)
- INDEX and MATCH Functions: A powerful alternative to HLOOKUP is using the combination of the INDEX and MATCH functions. This method allows for more flexibility, as it can search for data both horizontally and vertically. Moreover, the INDEX and MATCH functions can dynamically adjust to column or row insertions and deletions.
- XLOOKUP Function: The XLOOKUP function is another alternative to HLOOKUP. XLOOKUP is a more robust function that can perform both horizontal and vertical lookups and offers additional features, such as reverse searching and returning multiple results.
We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights into the HLOOKUP function in Excel and has enhanced your understanding of its applications.