How to Resize Row Height in Google Sheets
In this article, you will learn how to change row height in Google Sheets. Changing row height helps you make your table or list look beautiful, organized, and straightforward. There are a few ways to adjust row height, so you need to select the most suitable method for your purpose.
How to adjust row height in Google Sheets
Using a mouse cursor
- Put your mouse cursor between the row index of a row whose height you want to adjust and that of another row right below the row.
- When you see the “↕” mark, click there, drag it until full cell content shows up, and release it.
- The size of the row is changed.

This method is effective when you want to change a row height. If you need to modify more than a few rows’ sizes, we recommend you take one of the following approaches.
Using a mouse cursor and a double-click
- Select the row indexes whose size you want to adjust.
- Put your mouse cursor between one of two adjacent indexes in the selected range.
- When you see the “↕” mark, double-click the mark.
- The sizes of the rows in the range are automatically adjusted to show their content fully.

This method is better than the first one in that you can adjust multiple rows at the same time. As this option makes the row size fit values in cells, some row sizes shrink depending on their data volume. There is another way to get the same effect, described below. As a result, you may see the various sizes of cells on your worksheet, though the values in cells can be visible clearly.
Using a row height menu - 1
- Select the row indexes whose size you want to adjust.
- Right-click on the chosen range.
- Select “Resize rows X-Y”, which brings up a pop-up. (The example below says, “Resize rows 2-6. This is the same for another following example.)
- Choose “Fit to data” in the pop-up.
- The sizes of the selected rows are adjusted to show their values completely.

Using a row height menu - 2
- Select the row indexes whose size you want to adjust.
- Right-click on the chosen range.
- Select “Resize rows X-Y”, which brings up a pop-up.
- Choose “Specify row height” and input a specific row size in the pop-up (on a pixel basis).
- Click the “OK” button.

We introduced four ways to resize row height. Again, it is important to pick up the most suitable options for your purpose (e.g., getting values in all cells completely visible or setting the same row height for all rows).
How do you autofit column width in Google Sheets?
Check this article to learn how to resize column width in Google Sheets.
Is there another way to show a value in a cell properly?
You can consider wrapping text. Check this article to learn how to use it.