How to Make Text Bold, Italic and Strikethrough in Excel?
In this article you will learn how to perform basic formatting on your text to make it bold, italicised or strikethrough.
How to apply Bold, Italic and Strikethrough formatting to text in Excel?
To apply bold, italic, or strikethrough formatting to text in Excel, follow these steps:
Step 1: Select the cell(s) or text that you want to format.
Step 2: Right Click on the cells and select "Format Cells" option
Step 3: In the "Format cells" dialog box, select the "Font" tab.
Step 4: You can select the options "Bold", "Italic", or "Strikethrough", as desired.
Step 5: Click "OK" to apply the formatting and close the dialog box.

What are the shortcuts to applying Bold, Italic and Strikethrough formatting to text in Excel?
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to apply formatting to text:
- To apply bold formatting, press Ctrl+B on your keyboard
- To apply italic formatting, press Ctrl+I on your keyboard
- To apply strikethrough formatting, press Ctrl+5 on your keyboard
- To apply bold formatting, press Command or Ctrl+B on your keyboard
- To apply italic formatting, press Command or Ctrl+I on your keyboard
- To apply strikethrough formatting, press Command or Ctrl+5 on your keyboard
Note: You can apply multiple formatting options to the same text. For example, you can apply bold and italic formatting to text by selecting the text and pressing Ctrl+B and Ctrl+I at the same time, or by checking the boxes for "Bold" and "Italic" in the "Font" dialog box.
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You can learn about other Excel and Google Sheets formulas and tips that are not mentioned here on this page: LiveFlow‘s How to Guides